
As of Sept, 2020, Association Board members are:

President Scott Colcord
Vice-President Dinesh Pal
Treasurer Koen Verbrugghe
Secretary Carol Menassa
 At-Large Kehui Zhang

Board members are volunteers who own condominiums at Barclay Park and are elected by other condominium owners to represent the entire membership for a term on the Board of Directors. Elections are held each year at the Annual Meeting – with a term of service on the board lasting two years, on a staggered-term basis. 

After each annual meeting, those on the Board designate officers, in accord with the position descriptions in the Bylaws. Although there are occasional resignations and interim appointments, most board members serve their full term and some have served multiple terms. 

As part of its oversight of the Association’s managing agent, the Board meets regularly during the year with the senior property manager and maintenance coordinator, approves the annual budget prior to the start of each calendar year and receives period-by-period financial and project reports during each fiscal year.   

Specific duties of both the board members and the management company include service as fiduciaries of community property and for the financial well-being of the Association. The multi-peril insurance policies of the Association insure not only the property and liability exposures of the common and limited common elements of Barclay Park but also provide normal indemnification coverage for directors and agents.  

Any condominium owner is invited to express an interest in serving on the board of directors when the announcement of the Annual Meeting is made. If you wish to have a role in shaping the community and volunteer some personal time to share your skills and contribute to the community’s future, the Board of Directors may be the place for you – with Barclay Park as beneficiary.

Condo  owners who would like to meet directly with the Board during one of its open meetings are asked to request a spot on the agenda by contacting Meadow Management early in the month they wish to appear.  Although the board may not meet every month, you will be scheduled for the next available date and contacted to confirm date and time. 

Board meeting dates and times are to be posted on the home page of the website, and are generally set a few weeks in advance of each meeting.